Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Maneesh Flatbreads with Baba Ganoush

It's my turn in the bake-club rota, and with it being January, when everyone is trying to be healthy, I thought I'd try a savoury. I've not done flat-breads before (and I'd question if this is really a flat-bread, as it's got yeast in it, and it's definitely leavened!), so I dug this recipe out of Paul Hollywoods Bread book, and gave it a go. It's actually a fairly plain bread recipe with a sesame and herb topping (which obviously doesn't stick ,and goes everywhere!), so I also made up the recommended dip of baba ganoush, which is made of aubergine and sesame paste, as well as a few other things.

Main thing to note was that the bread cooked very quickly at the recommended temperature. Once again the dough needed far less water than the recipe suggested (I put in about 80ml less to form a soft dough), and I was wondering if this may cause the bread to cook slightly quicker? It's more lightly the oven running hot, and also having a hot side.

This recipe makes 3 loaves, and enough dip to be greedy!

Maneesh Flat-bread - Recipe

Dough Ingredients

  • 500g strong white flour
  • 10g salt
  • 25g caster sugar
  • 10g fast-action yeast
  • 20g olive oil
  • 300ml warm water (may need more, up to 360ml)
1) Place all the ingredients (apart from the water) in a stand mixer bowl with the dough hook attachment

2) Add about 250ml of the water, and begin to mix. Add more water until a dough forms

3) Mix for about 10 minutes, until you have a smooth, soft dough

4) Transfer to a large oiled container, cover, and prove until at least doubled in size. While this is happening, you can make the topping

Topping ingredients

  • 20g sesame seeds
  • 1tsp dried thyme
  • 2tsp dried marjoram
  • 40ml olive oil
1) Place all the ingredients in a small bowl, and mix together to form a paste (of sorts)


1) Take the proved dough, and fold on itself a few times to knock out the air

2) Split into 3 equal parts (I weigh it, then chop it into even-sized chunks, in this case275g each)

3) Roll each chunk into a disc roughly 23cm in diameter. Rolling dough is always tricky, as it stretches and springs back. I tend to find a hard initial roll will get it out to size...being too gentle just results in it bouncing back

4) Place the discs on non-stick baking trays

5) Split the topping over all 3, and spread out with your fingers

6) Leave to rest for 20 minutes. Put the oven onto 220'C

7) Bake the loaves for 12-15 minutes. Keep an eye on them, as they can catch on the edges and burn quite quickly.

8) Remove to a wire rack to cool once baked

Baba Ganoush dip - Recipe


  • 3 aubergines
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1tsp salt
  • 20ml lemon juice
  • 2tbsp tahini
  • 3tbsp olive oil
  • 1tbsp dried parsley
  • Black pepper (to taste)
1) Using a garlic press, crush the garlic cloves into a medium-sized bowl

2) Add the salt, and using the back of a teaspoon press with the garlic into a smooth paste

3) Add the lemon juice, tahini, oil, pepper and parsley, and stir to a smooth paste

4) Turn the grill onto a high heat

5) Stab the aubergines with a fork all over, and place (whole) on a baking tray

6) Grill the aubergines, turning occasionally, until the skin has turned black(er), and is slightly shrivelled. They should feel soft to the touch. This took about 20 minutes for me.

7) Allow the aubergines to cool until you can just handle them.

8) Cut the aubergines in half, and scoop out the flesh with a spoon

9) Chop it finely, and add to a large mixing bowl

10) Add the tahini paste, and stir in well.