Tuesday, 8 March 2016

A Week of Cycling

...though it could also be called a week off baking!

I've spent the last week in southern Spain, tapping out loads of miles on the bike on a training camp run by my coach Tom Kirk. It's the third time I've been out there, and it's amazing cycling...quiet roads, smooth tarmac, and fantastically warm (it was about 20-25'C every day, while I was getting pictures of hail and ice in the UK).

It's the first time I've come back not feeling completely broken and shattered, which is hopefully an indication that I'm getting stronger, and more resilient to training. I've got a race this Saturday, so hopefully I can carry some form into that.

While I was out there, I also discovered a "little" snack called a "Croasant con Meringue", which is a slightly butchered Spanish/French name for a massive Croissant (about the size of your head), cut and filled with Swiss Meringue, and then coated with chocolate and hazelnut pieces. There was a local bakery that sold them for 2€, and they were my go-to food after a hard day (this may explain why I manage to put on weight on a training camp!). I'm totally going to make some, though probably not quite as big!

Also on the baking list this week are another go at Empanadas, which are a suitably Spanish thing to treat the work team to. I'll get fully back to bake-planning this weekend, to take my mind off the cold UK weather...