Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Mini Banoffee Pie

One of the great things about baking is that you get some awesome leftovers, and probably enough stuff in the store cupboard to make something delicious.

I had some of the sweetcrust pastry left over from the Lemon Meringue Pie I made yesterday, so after a quick check on what I had sitting around, I realised I could make a small banoffee pie. I used a 12cm flan tin, a banana sitting in the fruit bowl, and some of the condensed milk in a squeezy tube I normally use to make my cycling flapjack with. It didn't even take that long, with most of the time being baking the pastry case, then simply filling it up with goodies, and (probably) not waiting long enough before tucking in!

Mini Banoffee Pie Recipe

Pastry - see the Lemon Meringue Pie for ingredients and mixing 

  • Pre-heat the oven to 200'C

1) Roll the chilled pastry to a large enough diameter to line the bottom and sides of a 12cm flan tin with a slight overhang

2) Prick the base of the pastry with a fork

3) place a layer of clingfilm over the pastry, and fill with dry rice/baking balls

4) Bake in the oven for 15 minutes

5) Remove the clingfilm and baking balls, and return to the oven for another 8-10 minutes (this is slightly longer than normal, however we are not baking the filling, so want to make sure the pastry is cooked and dry)
While the pastry is baking, you can make the filling

Filling Ingredients

  • 1 small banana - ripe
  • 25g unsalted butter
  • 25g muscavado sugar
  • 200ml condensed milk
  • Double cream (to top)

1) Place the butter and sugar in a small non-non-stick pan

2) Place on a low heat until the butter and sugar have melted

3) Add the condensed milk to the pan, and heat for 5-8 minutes while stirring, until the mixture thickens and turns slightly golden in colour

4) Remove from the heat (be careful not to let it burn!)

5) Peel and chop the banana into thin slices


1) Trim the edges of the pastry to be level with the top of the flan tin, with a sharp knife

2) Place slices of banana in the flan case, as many as you can fit without piling them over the height of the pastry

3) Pour the liquid toffee over the bananas, filling the flan case, but being careful not to go over the sides

4) Use any spare banana slices to decorate the top

5) Once the toffee is cool, slightly whip the cream, and spoon/pipe over the top

Note - if you have any spare toffee (this will depend on how much banana you fit in the flan tin, and the depth of your flan tin) pour it onto a sheet of oiled greaseproof paper...once it cools you'll have a nice bit of confectionery to enjoy!